近日,yL23411永利官网登录(以下简称“金麒麟”)收到戴姆勒股份公司(Daimler AG,以下简称“戴姆勒”)的通知,金麒麟通过了戴姆勒的 PFA 审核(PFA审核视同生产件批准程序),金麒麟获得了戴姆勒旗下梅赛德斯-奔驰凌特(Sprinter)车型整车配套产品批量生产的许可,正式为戴姆勒批量供应配套产品。
Daimler 戴姆勒
Daimler AG is one of the world’s most successful automotivecompanies. With its divisions Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-BenzVans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services, the Daimler Group is one ofthe biggest producers of premium cars and the world’s biggest manufacturer of commercialvehicles with a global reach. Daimler Financial Services provides financing,leasing, fleet management, insurance, financial investments, credit cards, andinnovative mobility services. The company’s founders, Gottlieb Daimler and CarlBenz, made history with the invention of the automobile in the year 1886. As apioneer of automotive engineering, Daimler continues to shape the future ofmobility: The Group’s focus is on innovative and green technologies as well ason safe and superior automobiles.(以上信息摘自戴姆勒官网)